On this web-page, you can register online and track the events and news of the Legal Clinic Program.
Legal Clinic is a mutual program of Caucasus University and Getsadze & Pateishvili Law Firm, which aims to involve the students of Caucasus University, Caucasus School of Law in practical activities and to equip them with relevant professional skills.
Foreseeing the fact, that the students have rather tensed schedule, first part of program implementation is given to online teaching. During the mentioned teaching period, students will be given a chance to receive definite practical experience by working on real cases of our company. Online teaching is a preparatory step for intensive practical teaching.
Second step of teaching foresees direct involvement of students in real operations. Students will be given a possibility to choose a case following the field interesting for them and to work on it with the direct supervision of the lawyer.
Our team of attorneys is ready to guide the students in definite cases and involve them in all activities of the program.
Today, as alumni of Caucasus University and Legal Clinic Program, I have a pleasure to coordinate the Legal Clinic Program, established on the basis of Getsadze & Pateishvili and to guide it more effectively with the experience I have gained.
I hope that Legal Clinic Program will help students of Caucasus University in gaining professional experience and obtaining practical skills of lawyer.